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Economic Development


Land Use and economic development go hand in hand and there are things a city can do to highlight or focus investment in certain areas. This impact can be multiplied when working with state and national government through programs like the Brownfield program that can assist in cleaning up a site that previously may have experienced a lot of pollution. Plan A can also inform opportunity zones where there may be opportunities for tax abatements and encourage developers to build more housing in a certain area.


We know that big investments from the city through large infrastructure projects like the BeltLine have brought incredible amounts of economic development in areas previously not focused on. Even spurs of the BeltLine or connector trails by PATH have seen new investment in areas like Echo Street in English Avenue.


Continuing to remain a great place to do business is an important value for the City as it continues to attract high quality employees, businesses, and investments. Atlanta also continues to benefit from the success of film and TV infrastructure from filming, locations , and editing. Not just large fortune 500 businesses, but also local neighborhood serving businesses like Carver Market in South Atlanta – a part of a non-profit FCS who decided to work to address food insecurity in the area.

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